Kleinmond is in the middle of an area known as the “Heart of the Cape fynbos floral kingdom” that is included in the world-renowned Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve. Its historical background is rich with stories of shipwrecks, pirates, runaway slaves, cattle-thieves and strandlopers and the area from the Bot River Vlei to Gordon’s Bay, and inland to the Groenlandberg is considered of such ecological significance, that in November 1998 it became the first UNESCO-declared Biosphere Reserve in Southern Africa. This means that the whole area is to be managed according to international principles that aim to combine conservation, sustainable use of natural resources, and wise development.
The coastline is an absolute paradise for the outdoor enthusiast with hiking trails, scuba diving, snorkeling, river-rafting, sand and surf sports as well as many mountain orientated activities. The Kleinmond Nature Reserve is criss-crossed by a network of trails for hikers that eventually leads into the beautiful Kogelberg Nature Reserve.
The coast offers every sort of walking and hiking trails and to keep the Kogelberg. Reserve core area prisitine, numbers are limited and permits are required for certain trails. The Kleinmond Cycling ( link to https://kleinmondcycling.co.za/ ) club offers various mountain bike trails as well.
The wild horses who habitate the Kleinmond lagoon are a local treasure that is closely guarded.